Sunday, February 14, 2010

Would you kindly...

Tell me I'm over-analyzing the game, 2K. Please, please, please. Thus far I really enjoy Bioshock 2 and want to continue to enjoy it. Let me back up by explaining my feelings on this matter. I'd warn you that Bioshock spoilers are contained below, but the game is over 2 years old at this point so I don't feel guilty.

Video games are always trying throw twists and turns into their plots ala Hollywood. Sometimes they fall woefully short of the mark (see: Infamous for the video game equivalent of a Dallas-twist), and sometimes they are sublime. Bioshock had what was, easily, one of my most favorite plot twists ever. Having spent the entirety of our exploration of Rapture listening to a eerily polite, proper gentleman named Atlas asking us "would you kindly," the entire experience is turned up on end when it is revealed that "would you kindly" is really a post-hypnotic suggestion programmed for our obedience. Ah! Much like with The Sixth Sense or Fight Club, you then pause the game to mentally go over every move made in the game, looking for holes in the twist only to find there are none. Would you kindly accept the award for sheer brilliance, 2K?

Having said that, I am beginning to worry about Bioshock 2. Every little trinket and tidbit left behind by "Eleanor" (at this point I'm not convinced that Eleanor is even real, or that she isn't the Big Sister, but that is another post entirely) has the sweet, thoughtful remark of "Hope this helps." Maybe I'm paranoid or over-analyzing the situation, but after seeing this phrase at numerous key points, I'm starting to smell another control phrase. Which would, needless to say, fall woefully short of the Bioshock mark. As a wise man once said, you don't run the same gag, you run the next one. Just because something worked once does NOT mean it will work a second time. In fact all a second go-around will do is cheapen the first go-around.

HOWEVER, I'm totally willing to admit that this could just be a sign of brilliance on 2K's part: my experience from the first game, coupled with the unease and tension I feel from knowing Big Sister is out there hunting me, may have completely fried my sense of ease. I find myself completely untrusting of anyone or anything. Sinclair? Too smooth! Tennenbaum? Not so noble! I don't trust any of your people! And sweet, cutesy little girl leaving me gifts with a mysterious worded, repeated phrase? I don't think so!

If it turns out that this is all a ploy by 2K and everything really is on the level, then bravo. Well played, sirs (and madams). But if my suspicions are, unfortunately, grounded and come to life... well then I shall feel grave disappointment. And because I have a strong feeling it will be the latter rather than the former, I cannot seem to shake the sense of disenchantment shadowing my every move through Rapture.

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