Friday, February 19, 2010

Random Musing on Movie Quotes

Everyone I know quotes movies in some manner or another. Be it the incessant "one time, at band camp," or the cringe-inducing faux-Borat "very nice," everyone quotes for some reason or another. As the husband and I fired up Borderlands for shits and giggles, it occurred to me that we never quote movies in the same way most people do. That is, we never use movie quotes for comedic value. We use quotes as our personal language. A language that totally makes sense to us, but to an outsider it would sound downright strange. And we never use the popular quotes (e.g. the band camp line, anything from Borat, etc.), we always use the obscure ones that you might not pick up on at first. In a way, we have our own cockney-esque system going, and oddly enough it's a very important part of us playing together. Here's a brief primer, should you ever find yourself trapped in a game with us:

Quote: "Psychos? Do they look like psychos, Ray?"
Movie: From Dusk 'Til Dawn
Situation: Any time you happen into a room or area and a horde of angry mobs attacks you. It helps for them to be human, and gains extra points if they're zombies.

Quote: "I didn't want to. I felt I owed it to them."
Movie: Caddyshack
Situation: Any brutal kill; headshot, death from above, flame thrower, etc.

Quote: "Twenty-metre spread. No sound."
Movie: Predator
Situation: One of us needs to go right, the other needs to go left to fully cover the area.

Quote: "It shoots through schools."
Movie: Johnny Dangerously
Situation: Finding any awesome new weapon. Doesn't matter if it's melee or aimed, it's gonna shoot through schools.

Quote: "I'm chasing this guy. No, he's chasing me."
Movie: Memento
Situation: You don't have the upperhand you quite thought you had and need help.

Quote: "They're coming out of the goddamn walls!" or "How could they cut the power?"
Movie: Aliens
Situation: Any time you have lost the upperhand and are quickly being surrounded by mobs.

Quote: "If Matrix were here, he'd laugh, too."
Movie: Commando
Situation: That ginormous boss that looked really tough? He wasn't so tough.

Quote: "Don't do that, that'll just make him angry."
Movie: Blazing Saddles
Situation: The boss is HUGE!

Quote: "Follow me, Tinkerbell."
Movie: Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Situation: Annoying-ass flying mobs.

Quote: "I like money."
Movie: Idiocracy
Situation: When your partner tries to NOT pick up money that falls from a chest. Sure you're at the point in the game where you could wallpaper your house with money but c'mon. You can never have enough.

Quote: "It could be filled with chocolate, okay?"
Movie: Muppets From Space
Situation: Your partner doesn't want to bother opening a chest/box/safe or exploring a seemingly dead end room.

There are a dozen or so more, I'll add as they come back to me. I'm drawing a blank right now, but you get the idea. :)

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