Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mother Theresa eating babies...

At the risk of sounding a little too much like Yahtzee's review of the first Bioshock, I have to express disappointment in the ending of Bioshock 2. Once again the endings boil down into two camps: good good good and evil evil evil; as Yahtzee said, you're either Mother Theresa or Hitler eating babies. Occasionally it would be nice to have a grey area.

And the Mother Theresa ending has me at odds. On one hand the hippie-flower-child ending of the first game seemed a little out of place with the game itself, but it had a nice sense of satisfaction. Truly, having shot, flamed & shocked my way through Rapture, it seemed a little strange; touch of the deus ex machina, if you will. However there's a lot to be said for that hunky dory feeling it instilled in the player.

BioShock 2's good ending gave me a brief sense of satisfaction but it seemed like it was trying too hard. Completely opposite of Bioshock, the ending seemed very much in tune with the rest of the game. Without giving too much away, it's one of the few endings where my character dies and it makes sense. It doesn't feel cheap. However the openness of the ending leaves much to be desired, and a whole host of unanswered questions. Meh.

Bioshock 2's evil ending is almost the exact same as Bioshock's evil ending. **(Not) Spoiler Warning ** You become a giant evil madman who takes over the world in a reign of bloodshed. **End ** Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.

Of course I will take a quick moment to defend the crappiness of the evil ending: it's obvious the game does not want you to get the evil ending. The evil ending is obtained by killing Little Sisters, an act that never sits well with me for obvious reasons. The reward for doing evil should be a crappy ending.

On the adverse, doing good should reward you with something with a little more meat.

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