Thursday, February 11, 2010

Returning to Ostagar, not such a great idea actually.

So after waiting and waiting and waiting for BioWare to iron out the glitches of the DA:O DLC "Return to Ostagar," I patiently waited for it to download and my daughter to go to sleep so I could get on and relive the excitement that is Ostagar with all five of my characters that have beaten the game. And let me tell you ... disappointing! Ugh.

I knew it wasn't going to be quite as involved as "The Stone Prisoner," but I didn't think it would be somehow less involved than freaking "Warden's Keep." You get armor, two words and a dagger. PERIOD. And you fight 20 some-odd darkspawn, which considering that all five of my characters have already killed the archdemon, that leaves some questions in this RPer's head.

It was mildly sad to see Cailin's body crucified and used as a pin cushion by the darkspawn, but in the cutscene (which they are all too happy to replay for you), it clearly shows Cailin being crushed by an ogre, and blood spurting everywhere. How the hell is he perfectly intact to hang like a trophy? And why is his armor on three different creatures? And as Sten wonders, what the hell kind of man leaves a sword like that in a trunk. AND FURTHERMORE, why can I get Duncan's sword and knife, but Duncan's body is nowhere to be found?!

*sigh* I suppose the major issue with this DLC is that feels like too little, too late. Cailin's shield is nowhere near as good as Duncan's, which I got from the original game, and his armor was a side-grade at best for the Warden's armor. It was more a matter of whether or not you want your character to look dignified in all black or shine like the top of the Chrysler building. With promises of a newer, bigger, shinier DLC on the horizon, this just didn't do anything for me. It's like getting ready for 4th of July and finding out the only fireworks your parents bought were snakes and pops. And much like snakes and pops the joy of the DLC can be played up and forgotten in 20 minutes.

Also, the DLC is still buggy. On initial startup it told me Stone Prisoner and Warden's Keep were corrupted and needed to be redownloaded. It also "had no record" of me having bought them and wanted to charge me again to download them. On a hunch I restarted and then those were okay, but Blood Dragon Armor was corrupt. On the THIRD restart everything was okay. Not cool.

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