Friday, August 27, 2010

Awaiting "New Vegas."

While I've had very little game time as of late (work is insane), I have to say I am genuinely happy for "New Vegas." (I will be at the midnight release, come hell or high water)

It may come as a surprise to those who know me that "Fallout 3" appealed to me in the least. While I vastly prefer Warhammer 40,000 to Warhammer, and am not a huge fantasy book fan in general, I do prefer my RPGs to be fantasy rather than sci-fi. "Dragon Age" was far and away better than "Mass Effect" to me, and I must preferred "Morrowind" to "Fallout 2."

But for some strange reason, "Fallout 3" really struck a chord with me. The plot was "okay," and the difficulty curve was definitely on the shallow end (as someone pointed out, I was wallpapering my house with money, health and ammo), but there's something about the ginormous, "eh, do what you want..." feeling to a game that I really like.

"Oblivion" annoyed the pants off of me because of the damn Oblivion gates. The gates were little more than plot-driven cliff racers, though there wasn't a patch to get rid of them. And, as a devout Morag Tong supported, it galled me to join the Dark Brotherhood. But I digress.

"Fallout 3" sucked away more hours of my life than I care to admit to and I genuinely enjoyed every aspect. It was one of the few games that I did not want to beat because I didn't want it to be over. But eventually all things must end and after a few DLCs, I beat the game and retired it to the game-case.

"New Vegas" looks like the equivalent of "Bloodmoon," the expansion pack that, as anyone who knows me knows, I revere above all other x-packs. As I griped here (seemingly) an age ago, "Dragon Age: Awakening" was one of my biggest disappointments in x-packs. It had substance, but no purpose. "New Vegas" (like "Bloodmoon") looks to have both.

Hopefully I'll see y'all at midnight. Now, it's back to drooling over Tyson Rios in "AoT: 4oth Day," because there's something wrong with my head. :)

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